Lost and Found

Service Times

Sunday Worship 11am WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7pm Sunday school 10am

by: Don Edwards



"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost"  ~ Luke 19:10

One of my daughters found a set of AirPods.  She came home and told us about her discovery.  Of course being parents we told her to turn them in to the lost and found... that's the right thing to do, right.   Well, as it turns out the lady that lost them... she lost them 3 years ago... that's right, three years ago. 

I'm sure that she thought they'd never to be found.  LOST!  This just goes to show that what you least expect can happen...  After three years she had probably forgotten about them... until the unbelievable happened.  They were found!

What you least expect can happen!

It made me think how you and I know people who are lost without Christ and maybe we've lost hope... maybe we've given up looking for them to be "found".   Jesus said that He's still looking... He never gives up!  We can learn from this!  For us to be HIS disciple is to have the heart of Jesus... to think like He thinks and to do what He does... 

They don't know Jesus yet...

Today, we are going to take an intentional shift...

 I'm asking you to think of ONE person that you know who is far from God.  They don't know Jesus yet?  I'm asking you to commit this person in prayer to God for the next 30 days.  Pray for them everyday - for 30 days.  Ask God to soften their hearts to the Gospel.  Try to think of someone local that you might even have an opportunity to lead them to Jesus yourself...  pray for them for 30 days.

"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost"  ~ Luke 19:10

Pray something like this:

God, I know that you desire to save people.  I know that Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost and that includes ___(Insert name here) _______.  Their life depends on You saving them.  Lord, please soften _____________'s heart.  Use people and circumstances today to open ______________'s eyes and heart.  Lord, please give me the boldness to share the Gospel if the opportunity arises.  

Just imagine what would happen if you started praying for that ONE person everyday.  Our families would change, our community would change, our church would change!  Hey... You will change!  

Join me in praying specifically (by name) for someone who is lost and needs to be found.

I am praying for you,

Pastor Don 

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"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost"  ~ Luke 19:10

One of my daughters found a set of AirPods.  She came home and told us about her discovery.  Of course being parents we told her to turn them in to the lost and found... that's the right thing to do, right.   Well, as it turns out the lady that lost them... she lost them 3 years ago... that's right, three years ago. 

I'm sure that she thought they'd never to be found.  LOST!  This just goes to show that what you least expect can happen...  After three years she had probably forgotten about them... until the unbelievable happened.  They were found!

What you least expect can happen!

It made me think how you and I know people who are lost without Christ and maybe we've lost hope... maybe we've given up looking for them to be "found".   Jesus said that He's still looking... He never gives up!  We can learn from this!  For us to be HIS disciple is to have the heart of Jesus... to think like He thinks and to do what He does... 

They don't know Jesus yet...

Today, we are going to take an intentional shift...

 I'm asking you to think of ONE person that you know who is far from God.  They don't know Jesus yet?  I'm asking you to commit this person in prayer to God for the next 30 days.  Pray for them everyday - for 30 days.  Ask God to soften their hearts to the Gospel.  Try to think of someone local that you might even have an opportunity to lead them to Jesus yourself...  pray for them for 30 days.

"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost"  ~ Luke 19:10

Pray something like this:

God, I know that you desire to save people.  I know that Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost and that includes ___(Insert name here) _______.  Their life depends on You saving them.  Lord, please soften _____________'s heart.  Use people and circumstances today to open ______________'s eyes and heart.  Lord, please give me the boldness to share the Gospel if the opportunity arises.  

Just imagine what would happen if you started praying for that ONE person everyday.  Our families would change, our community would change, our church would change!  Hey... You will change!  

Join me in praying specifically (by name) for someone who is lost and needs to be found.

I am praying for you,

Pastor Don 

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2 Comments on this post:


Great message will do that today


That is such a good idea. Will put it to use immediately.